hip hip hooray for indie bookstore day!
Independent Bookstore Day (IBD) is a one-day national party that takes place at indie bookstores across the country on the last Saturday in April. Every store is unique and independent, and every party is different. for bbgb, indie bookstore day is a way to celebrate the ethos of local bookshops, and to thank each and every one of our readers, from regulars to first-time shoppers.
join us at bbgb for:
a fun staff-led storytime where we’ll be reading some of our favorite picture books (11-11:45am)
a bookworm raffle: everyone who comes to visit us on indie bookstore day can enter their name to win a one specially curated stack of books (out of five stacks). we’ll be taking raffle entries all day, and we’ll announce the winner the next morning!
cupcakes! because it’s a party, isn’t it?
finishing up your #ibdrva book crawl! if you’re participating in this year’s ibdrva’s book crawl, indie bookstore day is the last day to bring in your passport and get your bbgb shop stamp and prizes!
5 stamps = Receive a unique-as-you-and-your-bookstore celebration button!
8 stamps = Receive the button and an independent bookstore day tote bag (great for book or snacks or both).